How to Make and Play With Story Stones
Story stones are they a great idea for fostering creativity and language development, according to Paint On The Ceiling. They can be an invaluable play resource and teach kids to come up with positive and realistic solutions to their problems.
For instance if a character is sad because it starts raining while he is at the park, you can look for realistic solutions like sitting under a tree until it stops and then jumping in puddles rather than just waving a magic wand to make it go away.
These stones are painted by hand in acrylic paint. You don't have to be an artist to do your own, says Paint On The Ceiling. Simple shapes and patterns work fine, and sometimes even look better.
You won’t need to explain how to use them, as your children will most likely pick them up and start making up their own stories. They just seem to lend themselves to story telling. Another option is to pull one stone at a time out of a bag, and make up a story using the images as prompts until the story reaches its natural conclusion.